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  1. 30 Day Guarantee
  2. Strict No SPAM policy

30 Day Guarantee
We're so sure you will love our hosting that we extend all customers a 30-day, unconditional guarantee of satisfaction. If, for any reason, a customer is dissatisfied with our services, a full refund will be made of the fees paid by the customer for those services up to the date of termination - including our setup fees! After the 30 day period we will refund only unused hosting on a prorated basis.

Strict No Spam policy
The transmission of unsolicited advertising or other content through electronic mail or inappropriate Usenet postings is forbidden. The use of servers owned by vs3 Web Services and our provider for unsolicited mass mailings or postings (commonly known as "Spam") by any customer will cause that customer's services to be terminated immediately, and the customer will be held legally responsible for the damages to vs3 Web Services, both monetary and in reputation.